Saturday, March 20, 2010

The End of the Crone: Part 4

The animated corpse of the hero with the black blade stands ready for combat.  Gossamer and Sinokin are both looking pretty bad. Gerald, "Master of the Arcane", has disappeared into one of the many winding passageways curving throughout this bunker.

Sinokin is a dragonborne sorcerer with red scales. Gossamer is a beautiful eladrin, with a extremely cold attitude.  She's the current leader of The Thunderous Fury, so I suppose I owe her some respect, though she shows me little.

Gerald didn't even enter this mission with us.  He just sort of plummeted from the ceiling, and introduced himself as, "Gerald, Master of the Arcane Arts." For a master he doesn't teleport very well.

"ROOOOOOAAARRR!" Kratos Crashes through a once beautiful painting behind the hero. He catches the Hero unaware, and manages to bullrush him toward Sinokin. The Hero takes this opportunity to slash Sinokin across the chest.

Sinokin stumbles backwards holding the blackening wound. The blade the undead wields leaves wounds that are difficult for even me to heal. A insane anger crosses Sinokin's face, and a smile shows his sharp teeth. Sinokin reaches into his pocket and removes a small cube, flourishes it into the air, and flings it at the undead hero.

With a slight lean to the left, the Hero avoids the small cube and prepares to advance on Sinokin once more, but stops, confusion crossing his face.  Intrigued, I glance towards Sinokin, and witness the cube, just thrown, appear above his pocket, and slide back into it. Sinokin is not doing too well though. He is grasping his chest and shaking, and collapses to the floor. 

A shadowy version of himself splits from his body, and they both lay there for a moment. Sinokin stops shaking, and breathes, barely. The shadow doesn't seem to be doing much better. It's eyes open, it turns towards Sinokin, and Stabs him with a spear. It takes me a bit to realize that this fight just got substantially worse.

The Hero takes this chance to lunge at Kratos, Kratos parries and cuts at the hero. Gossamer tries to sneak up behind the Hero, but he swings wildly at her, stopping her advance.  The shadow of Sinokin stands up and prepares to coup de gras Sinokin.

"No!" I shout, and force the shadow away from Sinokin with a blast of arcane energy. It glares at me with intense hate, and then fills half the room with electric energy.

I am able to duck the majority of the energy, Sinokin's unconcious body is unable to dodge, and neither is Kratos. Gossamer channels the energy into her sword, not sure if that counts as a hit for a sword mage.  Sinokin, now looking even worse off, starts coughing.

Finally given a chance to heal Sinokin, I do so, and his eyes slide open. He glances at his shadow, flicks his wrist towards it, and it then promptly ignites. The shadow disappears, but the equipment it was wearing drops to the floor. Gerald enters the room, sees the magical loot, and immediately runs towards it. The Hero has other ideas for him. The Hero cuts Gerald down running. The wound appears fatal, as Gerald's head is now soaring across the room.

Kratos jumps at the undead, and finally cleaves him in two.

Gossamer walks towards the fallen hero, picks up his blade and head towards the well we climbed down to get here. "Lets go take this to the Dragon's Horde and get payed." She then begins her ascent.

I glance towards Sinokin; the man is smiling with a bit of insanity and staring at the pocket the box is contained in. I'm slightly unsettled by the fact that it appears to have summoned a shadowy evil version of himself, and I think he enjoyed it...

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