Thursday, March 4, 2010

E-Pop is down. AGAIN.

So, I'm at my friends house, preparing for class today, when my cell phone rings.

"It's prolly cook." I think aloud. "I wonder what he wants..."

But- its a number I don't recognize.

"What in the..." Cell phone flicks open... "Hello?"

"Hello Howard..."

How does this mysterious person know my name?
"I have destroyed the E-pop at the college, SO YOU WILL NEVER HAVE IT AGAIN! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"What the?..."

Questions Rush through my head.

Who is this? How did he get this number? What will I eat for dinner?

"I'm just messing with you, it's Mr. Goeddel. E-Pop is down, so I'm cancelling class today."

"Oh...I completely thought you were a Super Villain, on a nefarious quest to destroy the internet, one college campus at a time."


"Oh, but what about your little speech?"

"No dice."

"Not even a little...?"


"Well, poop. I was just about to call up my plucky mercenary band and fight the establishment. Hopefully I'll see you next week."

"Yes, we can hope... Hmhmhm...MUAHAHAHAHAHAAAA..."


I stare at the phone blankly until a polite voice informs me that "If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again. " That soft, mechanical, voice lulls me into a sense of false security, when my eardrums are assaulted by a loud beeping noise.

"NOOOOO! His final trap!"

I slam the phone shut, silencing the storm of beeps.

I love what a small amount of fiction can do with the normality of a short phone conversation.

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