Monday, April 5, 2010

Resistance 2: fall of Cook

The disk slips into my console, and the game starts up. Cook and I sit in my basement preparing for the total whuppin we are about to recieve. The Co-operative mode on resistance is brutal with 2 people, but we persevere regardless.

It all started back at his house, when we sought out a game to Co-op one night.  We found Resistance and we were promptly destroyed. Wanting to take a break, we turned off the console, ate a small snack, and when we returned, we found that the second player account reset. This promoted a rage quit of the highest calliber.

So now we are at my house, both level 1.  The level starts out with us onlooking a bridge in which two enemies spray us with pew pew lazers.  I spray several shots into their respective faces, and then they decide it would be wise to take cover.

The fight lasts a couple minutes of them popping out, me shooting them, and then they take cover again, all  while Cook heals me.  Successfully supressing the first two allow us to continue onward into the plaza, where we are beset on all sides by a small army.

We die.

Round two begins much the same way but this time, we successfully clear the plaza and find a switch to flip. Upon doing so we are beset by multiple waves of grunts and several giant enemies.

Unprepared and without cover, we die.

Round three is the same as previous, but faster, and we pick up our awsome motto "get mobile." We flip the switch and sprint to the nearest wall, slipping behind it just in time to not die. We clear the enemies out, and flip the next switch. I shout "Get mobile!" and me and cook are off again, diving for the (hopeful) safety of the nearest wall. Another huge spawn, Gone and forgotten.

So now what? No more enemies, lets wander around for a bit. So we stumble around the plaza for 15 minutes before I check our objectives. Oh, Destroy the generators. So we each destroy a generator and, feeling pretty good about it, ldecide to meet up in the middle. OH WAIT. The middle is full of people who want to kill us!

We die.

Round four and we are getting a bit angry. Kill, burn, pillage, repeat. This time, we kill the generators together. I Scream "Mobile Get!" and to cover we go. We take out our enemies, and continue onwards towards whatever trap awaits us next.

OH LOOKY, A HOLE TO THE ABYSS! LETS JUMP IN! So in we go, and we are beset by 100 little scorpion things.

We don't die. They were weak, so we continue. Oh well, I guess the game is finally going easy on us. SCORE! So we climb into the subway and the little voice in my character's ear tells me that I need to disarm a bomb across the subway track, oh okay I'll do that but wait why are enemies shooting at me and now im DED. Cook tries to save me valiantly but dies in the process.

Round 5. Bridge people, dead. Plaza people, dead. Generators, pwnt. Ambush in middle, stomped. Cute scorpions, crushed. Subway tracks, that bomb can wait, first sniping the opposition. Sufficiently cleared, we move over to the bomb, and the game, in a panic shouts at us to "Protect the soldier disarming the bomb!!!"

"What?" and with that 7000 scorpion thingies rush out of four doors. Me and Cook run around screaming while shooting the floor in a panic, and finally the enemies are all dead. A sigh of relief and we start to disarm the bomb.

"A queen leaper has been spotted in your area. YOU GUYS ARE SOOOOO DEAD!"

"Did the game just...?" I am bamboozled, so I pitch the idea to my compatriot.

"It did." He responds, a bit shaken himself.

Then they came.

Thousands of them. Millions even. All of the Leapers ever. But...they are only Leapers, so we crush them ALL.

"HAHA!" I shout, filled with joy, "They didn't stand a chance!"

"Yeah bro!" Cook yells as he prepares the mightiest of high fives.

I accept his five, and then we are interupted.

"That wasn't the Queen Leaper you noobs, this is a Queen Leaper!"

From the stairs comes, a towering 4' tall behemoth worthy to be called the queen. It scuttles towards us and Cook opens fire, (or lazer in the medic's case), and I tag it, and I spray its face as well, and Guess what, the thing won't die. It nearly reaches us, so we sprint off in the other direction.

The gun I use lets me tag a enemy, and my shots will then home into it, so I'm jumping, running, and shooting. Cook is ahead of me, so he decides it will be a good time for a grenade, so he jumps, turns, and flings the ball of spikes into my face. It bounces off towards him, and with a dull *thud* lands at his feet. Cook looks at it and whimpers.

BOOM! Cook goes DOWN. Interestingly enough so does the Queen.

We are prompted by a YOU WIN screen, telling us our score and how badly we did. Confused but victorious, we do the only thing we can do, fist bump epically, and take a shot. Since we can't take a shot we just go with the former. One out of two ain't bad right?

Well lets try the second level.

"Too bad, finish the first one 4 more times...Noob."

Thanks game, I knew you would understand our plight. We are tired of this level, we just want to see what more it has to offer.

"Well too bad, enjoy the painful and pointless deaths of the first level a BIT more, and then we will see. We will see..."

I went to bed.

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