Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Game Design: Deadline is dying...

11:15 AM, the decided time for our team to meet up. I was the first to reach the front desk, followed by Cook, and then Alex.

"The keys to the upstairs computer lab, Mr. Gibb." I say to the kindly front desk-men

"There will be a compass test up there in 45 minutes..." He responds, "If you think you can be done by then..."

"We won't be so..."

"I suppose we should call it a day then." Cook says as he prepares to go.

"We could still work on it a bit." Alex points out.

"Yeah, Cook, concept art these enemies up. Since we aren't doing slimes as enemies now, Alex needs some art to work with." I hand cook a piece of paper with some ideas for enemies.

"No. I'm sticking with slimes for enemies, with the little red vein up here." He motions to his upper right corner of his forhead.

I take the sheet back and read over a bit of my work. When my eyes raise from my writing, I find Cook on his way out the door.

"Cya guys. You can talk to me on AIM if you need me."

And we never saw cook again. KRAKOOM THUNDERBOLT.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Absolute Terror: such a wonderful name for such a wonderful game

Gary Approaches, his face shows what is sure to be excitement. "Hey, ever heard of that show, Evangalion?"

"Turns out I have." I reply

"Well, I'm playing this awsome game called...uhhh...something... its based in that shows world. Its pretty sweet."

"Huh...let me google search this something, and I suppose I will give it a shot."

Upon finding the web page, I found that the page is poorly designed and the menu options disapear behind the text on the homepage. I laugh at this, but because of my ridiculopothy, I forgave these shortcomings, and gave the game a shot, and I am glad I did.

The game offers three factions, Angels, NERV, and SEELE. Angels are the alien biomechanoid thingys that only want to be loved, NERV are the Human response to angels, drafted primarily from children and forced to pilot EVA's(giant robots), and the SEELE are the human special forces. Yes Generic Human Special forces, the vastly outnumbered and outgunned every men and women.

I see the SEELE, and I cry "Hark! We shalt be the SEELE, Gary."

He glares at me. "We are going to be the generic humans?..."

"Yes! We can have tanks!"

"Tanks? We can be giant robots though, or aliens, even, but you choose tanks...Why?"

A smile "Why not? They even have giant robots if you really want to."

"Fine, I'll be tanks too."

Let the games begin.

Now I can't really explain why I enjoy this game, but I do. I get a full energy bar every day, and I can spend it in less than 10 minutes. I now have two tanks, so I can spend it all in around 15 minutes. The game is anything but fast paced, the homepage is bugged, and the game play seems like it could've been done better, but I love it.

I keep praying for the day they patch and fix this, but there is no guarantee, they are at least running a event right now, Attempting to get new users to join.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Game Design Today

Today we went over our game idea, and I found that our issue appears to be that we know to little. The real problem appears to be that our third person is MIA once again. My attempt to contact him yesterday failed, and he really needs to contact me and/or the dean.

So here we go, and now I have to Start working on the coding and the ideas. Wish me luck blogosphere.

Visiting Tech

Today I am to begin my adventure towards WVU Tech. My father is to pick me up from my house around 3:30 today, and we are to spend the night in a hotel nearby the campus. Tommorow, STRIFE, I mean, exploration. I feel both aprehensive and excited, for there should be internet access at the hotel, so I can finally get online after SOOOOOO LONG!!! Also this will be the first time I have seen my father since this summer, and I'm sure he will be pleased that I haven't cut my hair since then. Yeah, by pleased I mean he will probly yell at me. Great.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break

My spring break was full of ambition,
It was an epic war of attrition,
against the boredom the haunts me.

Day and Night I toiled for naught,
for on the weekend we raged and fought,
in the black heart of the world of darkness.

The fun we had is gone and past,
and in its week left only gas,
along with a feeling of bloating.

So now its over and no lessons were learned,
except those of which Jason Cook has Spurned,
For he refused my help.

Resistance 2: fall of Cook

The disk slips into my console, and the game starts up. Cook and I sit in my basement preparing for the total whuppin we are about to recieve. The Co-operative mode on resistance is brutal with 2 people, but we persevere regardless.

It all started back at his house, when we sought out a game to Co-op one night.  We found Resistance and we were promptly destroyed. Wanting to take a break, we turned off the console, ate a small snack, and when we returned, we found that the second player account reset. This promoted a rage quit of the highest calliber.

So now we are at my house, both level 1.  The level starts out with us onlooking a bridge in which two enemies spray us with pew pew lazers.  I spray several shots into their respective faces, and then they decide it would be wise to take cover.