Friday, March 26, 2010

Paper Prototype: Final

Our Paper Prototype is up on Viddler, and I must say, its quite good. So here is the masterpiece:

The only thing I think we forgot is how to use a normal attack on the controls screen, but that can be fixed. The paper prototype is there to help us find errors, not as a endgame. Regardless, I think we did a good job. Ours was the longest in the class, also we read our games storyline to the camera. All the naysayers out there can't be dissin our cred when we be doin this good!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Running a World of Darkness campaign

Books a million, 2:30 pm:

I stand in the book store, perusing the selection of Game based books, when I stumble along a certain book that has interested me since the beginning of time... The Bakugan Video Game Strategy Guide.

A smile crosses my lips, as I bend over to obtain the book.  It's paper-like paper massaging my finger tips, the freshness of the book allows me to run my finger over the cover and make a loud SQUEEEEAAAAK.  I do this for several minutes until Tyler decides he has had enough. With a uppercut, the book soars into the air. I do my best to catch it, but fail.  Disgusted at life in general, I bend over to recover my guide, but stop when my eyes wander to my left.

White Knight Chronicles: The Naked Truth

We stand in front of my Playstation 3. Cook holds the case of White Knight Chronicles in his left hand, the disk, in his left. He motions to hand it for me, and I gingerly relieve him of it. I stare at the disk of the game I have anticipated playing since the day Cook got it.

I lean over and insert the disk into my console. I return to my couch, and relax and prepare for the Adventure.

I am brought into a world where old people with a very minor grasp of magic can completely confuse and destroy the mind of a simple town guard. Where a complete and total boob can be selected to control a world destroying apocalyptic weapon.  Where princesses are captured, for a vaguely defined reason, you can destroy giant beasts without wearing pants or a chest piece of armor.

Wait... what?

Yes my friends you can.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The End of the Crone: Part 4

The animated corpse of the hero with the black blade stands ready for combat.  Gossamer and Sinokin are both looking pretty bad. Gerald, "Master of the Arcane", has disappeared into one of the many winding passageways curving throughout this bunker.

Sinokin is a dragonborne sorcerer with red scales. Gossamer is a beautiful eladrin, with a extremely cold attitude.  She's the current leader of The Thunderous Fury, so I suppose I owe her some respect, though she shows me little.

Gerald didn't even enter this mission with us.  He just sort of plummeted from the ceiling, and introduced himself as, "Gerald, Master of the Arcane Arts." For a master he doesn't teleport very well.

"ROOOOOOAAARRR!" Kratos Crashes through a once beautiful painting behind the hero. He catches the Hero unaware, and manages to bullrush him toward Sinokin. The Hero takes this opportunity to slash Sinokin across the chest.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Paper Prototyping

The dean said that we should post about paper prototyping, so here we go.

Our prototype is mostly done, and we are doing a pretty good job. Alex missed class again today, so we need to talk to him post haste!

We need to cut out our slimes and prepare our animations... also draw a few backgrounds. I think we should be able to finish this class.

This post is not done...yet. I must answer the question "what will I need for my game idea?"


Random Number generators... first. We will be doing a primarily wave based game, with the education thrown in the onset of the game. The random numbers will be controlling the enemy spawns and the damage dealing. I also need to learn how to make buttons. I have a feeling most of us will need this.

The ability to shoot projectiles is also a requirement. We need to code the projectiles to shoot when the mouse button is clicked, and also towards a the mouse pointer. We will definantly need to learn about hit detection, but I have a idea about how I would do it. Menus will also be important. I also wonder if variable arrays are possible in flash. Hope so, because they seem important.

Finally, I will need to learn how to implement sound, and music. Something with a beat, trancy, and fun. Keep the player occupied. The sounds have to evoke adorability, cuteness of slimes, but the bigger enemies must have a deaper soundset.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


If you are reading this blog, and have a blog of your own, I must recommend you update your interests to include 'SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME', without the ' ' of course. See, SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME is a secret codeword to a amazing club you too can be part of. The current members include me and Draconica132.


You know you want to...

Mall Tomorrow

I am going to the mall tomorrow, as you may have inferred form the title of this post, and I cannot wait. First of all, FFXIII is out RIGHT NOW, which may mean that by the time I get to gamestop around 12-ish tomorrow, the damn thing may be sold out. BOO HOO. I also must obtain the newest album by Say Anything, Say Anything. Its self titled, you see.
Finally, I must procure a copy of White Knight Chronicles. The game overall seems pretty good, though the reviews have been luke-warm at best. My good buddy Cookie has been pushing me to get it for awhile, and he has finally swayed me.
So yeah, when I get either of these games, I can finally stop killing myself on Demons Souls. That game is incredibly cruel some times, but oh, do I love it.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The End of the Crone: Part 3

Shadow enshrouded bats rise from the pit of garbage, the primary source of income of this small little town. Their high pitched screeches call to me, I respond by covering my ears and crying.

"I think I know why the villagers have been having trouble sleeping..." I call to Ukin, the nearest of my current group.

Ukin is a Shadar-Kai, he has dark black skin, black hair, and blacker leather armor. I know of the tendency for Shadar-Kai to betray and distrust others, but our group needs someone who can pick a lock and disarm a trap. Ukin assures me he can.

I'm Ballad Blue, a human bard and adventurer. I wear enchanted chainmail procured from the corpse of our latest enemy, the leader of a band of orcs. My hair is blonde, my eyes are blue, and my skin is a pale white. My ears are also currently ringing.

Ok this is wierd

My newest post, End of the Crone: Part 2, is up, but its a few posts down, two from this actually.
Really, check it out, I'm workin on part three so you know, great right? I know my adoring fans can't wait for the next update.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

E-Pop is down. AGAIN.

So, I'm at my friends house, preparing for class today, when my cell phone rings.

"It's prolly cook." I think aloud. "I wonder what he wants..."

But- its a number I don't recognize.

"What in the..." Cell phone flicks open... "Hello?"

"Hello Howard..."

How does this mysterious person know my name?

Monday, March 1, 2010

The End of the Crone: Part 2

"Hello..." a Female voice emanates from a Hooded Figure wearing snug leather armor. She stands on the ceiling of the wide part of the cavern, looking down on Valekor and Azreal already at in the room. I still struggle to climb the last bits of rope.

"So I guess you shot the bolt at our target," Azreal says. "Why are you here?"
"I was in the area and I heard the town was having trouble sleeping due to screeching noises at night. Figured I could help."

"Well I suppose you could help us. We are here for the same reasons..." Azreal motions towards me as I ascend the last few inches of rope. "Ballad here can cut you in on the payment we are to receive. He handles the book keeping. I just kill stuff."