Monday, February 22, 2010

The End of the Crone: Part 1

It was chilly in the garbage pit, and the smell was nigh unbearable. The locals use the "bottomless" pit as a garbage dump, taking all the garbage in the land and chucking it in there.

The running joke in our group is that the pit runs all the way to the Underdark, and there are some very angry Drow down there wondering why their chosen goddess allows garbage to fall from above onto their heads.

Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Ballad, bard and adventurer, and current leader of the Thunderous Fury. The group is quite famous in the town of Raven's Bluff, though our survival rate is quite low, even by our profession's standard. Traveling with me are the newest initiate, Azreal, whose disdain for most other beings is unsettling, and Valekor, a dragon borne and sorcerer.

We were about fifty feet down the hundred foot rope when the cavern widened as Gooba, our goblin spelunker, had said it would. Gooba is a member of our group, summoned from Gods know where by the previous owner of this box on my hip.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Mini Game Project

Last week we worked on a mini-game project, which I found fun.
Finally getting into some real Game design!
So our objective was to make a rabbit move up and catch a carrot that moved slowly to the right of the screen.
It was nice and simple.
Too Simple...
I allowed the rabbit the ability to move both left and right.
After playing the game a small bit, I found a exploit allowing the player to rack up score extremely fast. Exploits being a bad thing I made the carrot randomly spawn across the playing field. This game now held a small amount of difficulty.
I am not done yet!
I then placed a assortment of bikes set to move across the screen when the players score gets to high. The bikes will be set to drain the players score. This is still in the debugging phase, but It seems to be coming together.
I'll see what more ridiculopothy I can drop into this "mini-game" project. Because It will not be Mini when I am done.

Have a good day, now.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Choosing a topic as I See it

I have to make a Educational game... NOOOOOOOO00000oooooo!!!

During a short discussion with the professor however, I came up with the idea of a Survival of the Fittest game..
This conjured thoughts of a Role Playing Game(RPG). Many RPG's touch upon this idea, simply by the need to level up and buy new equipment so they are able to face the challenges they are destined to face.
Example: You and your friend are each a level one Novice, and your both considering what monster you should challenge first. Your friend decides to hit a dragon with a stick and you decide to beat on some giant rats. Your friend is immediately stomped into a fine dust, while you do similar to the rats. You gain a level, while your friend has earned a burial.
Survival of the fittest has kicked in; your friend made a very bad decision and payed for it with his virtual life (and experience and gold) and one less incompetent adventurer exists.
You have to work to be strong enough to fight a dragon. You can't just skip all of the working up.

Okay, my logic may not be impregnable, but at least you can see how a RPG would work with a Survival of the fittest game. You start the game off as a little slime, and must continue to grow stronger or face the end of its sad existence. The game could play as a top down action game, with waves of stronger and stronger enemies challenging your slime. Perhaps instead of leveling your slime, you evolve it in branching ways, all of which improve your chances of survival. Hopefully we would be able to implement a visual change in your character with each evolution.

Of course, this may not even be remotely doable.

To summarize:
My two genre Choices are RPG and Action, and I picked them because they seem to fit my idea well.

So now I ask you, my loyal followers, what do you think?